We know you’ve probably got questions. Like, why are your groceries so much cheaper than the supermarkets? Here are answers to some of the questions we get asked often, for any other questions just ask.  

We’re lucky to have really good relationships with many grocery suppliers and manufacturers in New Zealand and Australia that allows us to buy food at low prices. We are preferred partners for many suppliers and manufacturers when they have product that needs to be cleared. This means we can bring top quality foods to you at super low prices.

This is an easy one! Our prices are cheaper! While we may not stock everything you need in your weekly grocery shop, we’re sure to have heaps of your standard grocery items like spaghetti, pasta, chocolate and chips. Starting your grocery shop at Save More will mean you will save more on your grocery bill each week.

No our products are not expired. Some of our products are near to, or past, their Best Before date however. 

Expired products – or products past their Use By dates are the not the same as products past their Best Before. 

Best Before products are still perfectly safe to consume provided they look and smell ok.

Products with a Use By or Expiry date must never be consumed past their date as they could pose a risk to your health.

Due to the awesomely low price of many of our products, we generally do limit the number of products you can buy at one time. This is so that we can all share in the savings!

Our products change weekly – sometimes even daily. We get new clearance stock all the time and we often don’t know what we’re getting until it arrives and then it might sell out within a day or two.

So even if you came in last week, make sure you pop in again before your weekly grocery shop this week as we might have a whole heap of new deals in store!

No, due to the nature of our product supply our stores may stock very different different products at any one time.

Please sign up to our newsletter or follow our branch social page to make sure you don’t miss out on the latest deals for your closest store.

Our mission is to bring amazingly low priced groceries to New Zealanders throughout Aotearoa. Our newest store has just opened in Nelson, and we hope to see you in Dunedin soon!  

Not yet! We are working on an online store and hope to have this to you soon.

We take cash, EFTPOS, and most major cards (Amex, Visa, Mastercard), and you can pay with either contact or contactless methods.